DAO and what it means?
A DAO is intended to improve the traditional management structure of many companies. Instead of relying on a single individual or small collection of individuals to guide the direction of the entity, a DAO intends to give every member a voice, vote, and opportunity to propose initiatives. A DAO also strives to have strict governance that is dictated by code on a blockchain.
Each holder who owns a T3 or T4 NFT will have voting powers on certain moves the project takes, this will include tax changes/revenue distribution + more. This is a total of 125 votes, this will be changed in the near future as more NFT's are released into the ecosystem. The overall aim is to have the community make decisions on future developments, the end game is to set 0% buy/sell tax for the $DAWKS token and renounce the contract. So how will the project earn tax revenue when this happens? Tax revenues will be obtained through new launched projects/partnerships/advertising, this will be a long term sustainable model.
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